The news of newborn coming home is always exciting. But what comes with it is keeping the house clean and healthy for the new member. Children, especially newborns are more prone to getting sick or allergic if you do not pay enough attention to cleaning your house. 

Thus, it is necessary to keep your house clean and healthy before welcoming a new baby. Here are the steps you can follow to do so. 

Steps to Clean your House Before Welcoming the Baby 

Follow these steps and make your house clean and healthy for the newborn. 

  1. Remove all the dust

Removing dust is important as even minute particles can cause infections and allergies. You can do this by using dusters to clean the ceiling and molding. Next, you can move on to dust the door frames, ceiling fans, shelves, furniture, and other articles. 

  1. Vacuum 

A vacuum is the ultimate way to get rid of all the dirt particles that may be left behind while dusting. You can move the furniture to vacuum underneath and use different attachments to cover other areas. Also, do not forget to vacuum upholstered furniture, curtain, etc. 

  1. Deep clean the carpet 

Carpets are some of the common breeding places for bacteria. Thus, to prevent your baby from catching any infections, deep clean the carpet using steam or natural cleaners like lemon juice and vinegar. 

  1. Clean the bathroom 

Bathrooms are a great place for molds and germs to grow. Thus, cleaning it is very important. You can use vinegar to clean the floor tiles, toilets, shower heads, faucets, and even grout. Even the shower curtains should be washed. Also, do not forget to provide sufficient ventilation inside the bathroom. 

  1. Clean the kitchen 

Even the kitchen can have bacteria and germs left unorganized and dirty. Thus, clean all areas of the kitchen thoroughly using undiluted vinegar and provide proper ventilation. 
If you want to spare yourself the hassle of cleaning, hiring cleaning services from Sam’s Cleaning and Hauling can be a good idea. Contact us now to hire our experts.