If a summer’s worth of outdoor has negatively affected your Patio furniture, right now is an ideal opportunity to clean it – before you stash it away for winter. 

Regardless of what kind of Patio furniture you have – wood, iron, or metal – cleaning should be done on it and minor fixes made before settling in for a long winter’s rest. That way, they will be set again the following spring. 

Highlighted below is the Fall Patio furniture cleaning routine to get your outdoor furnishings prepared for storage.

The Rewards of Fall Patio Furniture cleaning

Fall Patio furniture cleaning has its benefits: You’ll have agreeable, alluring pieces that can be pulled out of capacity and utilized on those occasional warm cold winter days. 

What’s more, fixing old open air furniture in the fall generally costs half what you’d pay for new substitutions. 

Replace worn ties and pads, re-spread porch umbrellas and furniture varying now, when costs and wait times for fix are frequently considerably less. 

In the spring, Patio furniture fixes can take eight to 12 weeks since providers are overwhelmed with orders.

Cleaning Vinyl Patio Furniture

Wash vinyl lashes and vinyl-covered textures with a touch of clothing cleanser blended in a basin of warm water. Use a cloth or a delicate shuddered brush to clean lashes, separating heated on or clingy stains cautiously as not to damage the sheen. 

Do not use bleach on vinyl because it can damage the wrap-up, permitting the permeable material to stain, blur, and debilitate quicker. You’ll need elbow grease in this case. Rinse altogether and dry.

Fall Patio Furniture Cleaning to Remove Rust and Brown Spots from Furniture

If you catch them when they first stick to themselves, the dark spots are relatively easy to clean away with soapy water.

For really tough stains and spotting, blast liquid soap can be used safely as the last option.

Wrought Iron, Aluminum, Umbrellas and Hammocks

If you have wrought iron patio furniture, there is a high probability that you have light rust spots. Most average to high end manufacturers use a sophisticated paint process to reduce rust, but they cannot prevent rust.

There’s nothing like a rustproof wrought iron. It just has to be properly maintained. The below patio furniture cleaning tips can help:

  • To remove light rust spots from wrought iron furniture, use a rust dissolver applied with a metal brush. Then apply a primer and touch-up paint. 
  • Clean aluminum patio furniture using a car-rubbing compound, then coat with clear car wax to protect the elements’ finish. 
  • Brighten dingy umbrellas and fabric chair cushions using cool, soapy water and a nylon brush, followed by a thorough rinsing to remove any cleaner residue. Then open the umbrella and let it air dry. 
  • Check that all the umbrella spokes are in their sockets, that the mechanics are working correctly. And that the seams of all the seat cushions are intact. 

Cleaning Wood Patio Furniture

A fall patio furniture cleaning for wood furniture, be it the most expensive teak or cheap redwood, should include a gentle sanding away of surface dirt and grime.

Proceed with an exterior penetrating oil to keep the surface looking shining. 

Wood appears like a skin. Too much sun on the wood can cause dryness, aging and cracking.

Wood does the same thing. Teak Oil not only protects the wood but keeps it looking attractive.

How to Extend the Life of Your Patio Furniture

The key to extending the life of patio furniture is preventative maintenance. Clean regularly, keep seat cushions indoors when not in use, and invest in patio furniture covers. Store furniture in an upright position to allow for proper drainage. 

Storing outdoor furniture upside-down may cause water to accumulate and freeze inside the frame, causing premature structural damage.

Need a professional Fall Patio Furniture cleaning? Sam’s cleaning and hauling can help.

We serve Houston and its surrounding areas.