Wintertime is one of the most wonderful seasons of the year for most of us but probably not too much for your carpets. If carpets endure being the hotspot for dust and allergens during normal days, then the wintery cold weather condition also takes its toll.

The cold weather may affect your carpets but there are some tips on how to take care of them during wintery days.

Tip #1: Outside dirt should stay outside. With a stockpile of snow outside, footwears are going to be filled with dirt and snow. Making sure to keep your house or building exteriors clean to lessen dirt carried inside.

Tip #2: Make use of entrance rugs and mats. One way to prevent or lessen additional dirt or snow to reach your carpet is by laying down entryway mats just inside your doors for people to stomp their boots and shoes. Then follow it up with another one where people can comfortably take off their footwears.

Tip # 3: Vacuum consistently. During winter months, it is best to vacuum your carpet daily – if you aren’t doing it yet. Consistent cleaning and vacuuming will prevent the chances of mold appearing on your carpets. Dust, water, and other particles are also eliminated thus preventing foul odors.

Tip # 4: Have someone clean it for you. It is great to be proactive taking care of your carpet but there are instances that you really cannot prevent. When all else fails, it is best to call upon professionals who can perform the cleaning for you. 

Interested in having your carpets cleaned all year round? Sam’s Cleaning and Hauling  is here to help you. 

Contact us today!

Serving Southeast Houston, Friendswood, League City, and surrounding areas.