COVID-19 has taken over the world by killing and infecting several people in every country. It might be difficult to heal once infected but it is very much possible to save yourselves from the infection. This is possible by disinfecting your house and your surroundings. 

Here are a few steps you can follow to keep your house clean and free of infections

Make your House Free of Viruses 

Follow these ways to keep your house safe from the COVID-19 virus. 

  1. Understand the difference between cleaning and disinfecting 

Cleaning is just wiping off the dust from the surfaces of your furniture, floors, etc. this process only removes visible dust and dirt particles. However, disinfecting is a much deeper cleaning process. It involves using strong disinfecting agents that can easily remove bacteria and viruses that aren’t visible to the naked eye. 

Putting it in simple words, cleaning removes dirt and dust, whereas, disinfecting removes germs and viruses. 

  1. Follow a daily house cleaning schedule 

Cleaning your regularly removes a lot of dust that can accumulate with time. If the house is dirty, it makes the perfect breeding ground for microorganisms. Some areas in your house like the kitchen, bathroom, etc. can be damper than other places and have a higher chance of mold and bacterial development.

Thus, it is necessary to regularly clean them and other parts of the house.  

  1. Implement a weekly cleaning schedule 

Weekly cleaning is just as important as daily cleaning. You need to clean and disinfect objects like stovetops, knobs of the cabinets, shower curtains, soap bottles and dispensers, bed linens, pillowcases, carpets, etc. 

Not just these but you may also disinfect your gadgets like cellphones, laptop screens and keypads, tablets, mouse, and other items that you use daily. 
Regular disinfecting and cleaning of your house reduces the chances of bacterial development and saves you and your family from infections. Even deep cleaning can eliminate the risk of COVID-19 infection. You can hire our professional cleaners from Sam’s Cleaning and Hauling to disinfect and deep clean your houses. Call us now and make your house virus-free.