Although most homeowners believe that carpet doesn’t last forever. Many carpets come with an accurate lifespan guarantee. Of course, some factors can reduce their lifespan. Talking about carpets, it’s a ‘pay for what you get’ affair. However, this doesn’t mean that just buying the most expensive carpet means that you will have beautifully carpeted floors for the duration of your homeownership.

Does your carpet need replacement?
Sam’s cleaning and Hauling know something about keeping carpets looking their best and knows even more about when it’s time to discard and replace them. Below are some of the key signs to look out for:

Check if the Carpet has a smell
When you perceive a smell coming from your carpet area, no matter how much you use a deodorant or air fresheners. Just trace the scent and, instead of looking up, look down! Reach down to your carpet, get your face up close, and take a whiff. There is a good chance that the bad smell is coming from your carpet. Even though regular vacuuming and professional cleaning can help reduce bad odors, it doesn’t work forever.

Speaking of Your Padding
Just like the carpet, many homeowners believe that the padding they choose to lay down before their carpet will last forever. Unfortunately, if you choose low-quality padding then it can easily degrade earlier than your carpets. If you can discover patches in your carpet where your feet just don’t feel as supported or it feels like you are walking outdoors down a hiking trail, it’s time to get your padding replaced. Doing it yourself can be very difficult. Sam’s Cleaning and Hauling can help to both keep it looking at good as possible and extend its lifespan. While conventional steam cleaners will soak your carpet with water and cleaning solution which needs days to dry, leaving your carpets at risk of mold growth, Sam’s Cleaning and Hauling utilizes a proprietary ION exchange cleaning service which uses very little cleaning fluid to perform a much better job. Better yet, this method leaves your carpets dry in a matter of hours, not days! Call Sam’s Cleaning and Hauling today at (832) 551-8018 for a free quote and to find out more and to book your carpet cleaning appointment.

The Best Carpet Cleaning in Houston, TX
When it comes to getting the most life out of your carpet and keeping them looking their best for longer, you can’t go past the expert service from Sam’s Cleaning and Hauling.