You can not compare the joy your pet brings to your life. Its unconditional love is the greatest. But when it is shedding season, it’s frustrating. You will see that your furniture, floors, and sometimes your clothes are full of pet hair.

No need to stress yourself out! We at Sam’s Cleaning and Hauling will share guidelines on how you can expertly clean your pet’s shedding.

Buy a Good Vacuum Cleaner

What is the easiest and fastest way to remove your pet’s shedding? Vacuum! Investing in a good vacuum cleaner can go a long way. A good vacuum cleaner can suck all your pet’s shedding. Also, it will suck all the dust and mites while you clean pet hair.

Use a Damp Rubber Gloves

Rubbing a damp rubber glove on surfaces creates friction. It is an effective way to remove pet hair on surfaces that the vacuum can not reach.

Run Your Clothes in the Dryer

Before washing your clothes, run them first in your dryer. It will loosen the pet hair from clothes. But make sure that you clean your dryer’s filter when you do this to avoid a faulty machine.

Wash Your Pet Beddings Regularly

Wash your pet’s bedding as much as possible. Frequent washing of pet beddings, even on regular days, positively affects your pet’s health and yours.

Avoid Some Fabrics

Use pet-friendly fabrics like natural cotton and wool. Velvet and loose knitted fabrics are not advisable because it causes more pet shedding.

Use Lint Rollers

Lint rollers are handy. You can use them anytime on clothes and furniture to remove pet hair.

Maintaining Your Pet

It is the most important tip. Regularly brushing your pet hair will ensure less shedding on your furniture and floor. Also, ask for recommendations from your vet on how to avoid too much shedding.

Professional Cleaning Services in Houston, Texas

We understand that pet hair shedding is a stressful time. It is why we offer our helping hand in cleaning.

Sam’s Cleaning and Hauling is your best choice for professional regular home cleaning, carpet cleaning, etc., located in Houston, Texas. We offer services for cleaning homes, apartments, condominiums, and townhomes.

We offer our services to people from Houston, League City, Friendswood, Texas, and nearby cities.

If you are interested and have questions, call us and get a free quote!