I’m happily blessed with good hair, thick, full, and much. People would say my children will be so grateful one day, this is not the case. My daughter, as beautiful as she is, has not had the hair gene passed on and moans constantly about having thin hair, queue the rolling eyes.

But my son has had a mop of hair since I gave birth, and naturally, all he wants to do is keep it short and trim just like Cristiano Ronaldo because it is cool.

I know there are similar parents out there in the same situation so I am okay with this kind of struggle of life.

Many men and women struggle with early-on receding hairlines. They try sprays, dyes, or crazy hairstyles to cover it up. But now, after having done some research in a bid to help my other half overcome this self-consciousness phase, I came across a new procedure on the market that seems to be taking off. Micro-pigmentation.

Advantages of Micro-pigmentation.

Coverage. You may have had a ghastly accident and boldly come out safe. But have been left with a reminder you’d rather not see or have to explain about when meeting people. Having the scar covered with a non-surgical procedure of a tattoo can improve the quality of life you live, give you confidence, and change your life.

Patches. The worst is when men are going bald in patches, a little bit here a few strands there, and it’s not a good look. Filling in those spaces can create an overall symmetry of hair on the head and even close up most people wouldn’t be able to tell the difference, it simply looks like a fresh haircut, but every day. Win-win.

Thinning. You may still have a full head of hair but you can see through the locks to your scalp, I have seen this on my mother-in-law and she struggles every day with blow-drying and trying to ‘poof’ it up. Having this procedure creates a fuller look at the roots of the hair, thus resulting in a healthier, thicker-looking hairstyle.