Nobody objects to the significance of cleaning your teeth each day. We all comprehend this is a significant aspect of everybody’s day by day schedule that saves us from the cavity and keeps teeth healthy.

This idea, be that as it may, isn’t applied to different circumstances for reasons unknown. Occasionally we all clean windows in our homes, yet it is presumably not on the need list for some. A clingy floor is an issue, but grimy windows are generally endured for much longer.

Today we would like to shake up your perception about window cleaning and take a fresh new look at it as a service.

So here are the 5 reasons why window cleaning is more important than it seems:

  1. The Structure of Glass

Glass is permeable and harbors dirt that, over time makes it brittle or causes loss of transparency, pigmented spots, which brings about the growth of microorganisms. In the end, that might ruin the glass completely. Common enemies of your windows and the main reason for the cleaning are:

  • hard minerals – from sprinkler systems and building run-off;
  • oxidization – from windows encased in metal frames and screens;
  • acid rain – they are more common than you think;
  • sea spray – salt slowly builds up on the surface of your glass;
  • Overspray – accidental paint, chalk, mortar particles, etc.

Subconscious Effect

What if I tell you that windows significantly affect the way visitors perceive the credibility of a business? Would you believe it? Subliminally or completely consciously, many people will pay attention to your glass front’s cleanliness when visiting a store. Dirty windows signify a careless attitude and create a first bad impression about a business. Clean windows, on the other hand, attract more visitors to the stores. In addition, experienced property agents testify increased interest towards the properties with clean windows among potential property buyers. Moreover, clean properties were sold at higher prices than those with the same features but dirty windows.

House Heat Efficiency

Most people don’t consider this, but dirty windows affect the overall heat efficiency of your house. Dirt particles on the surface and in the glass’s pores simply reflect more UV light, preventing the sun from warming up your apartment during the cold seasons. Things get even worse when filthy glass is combined with low-efficiency windows. Such a bundle might cause a gradual increase in heating expenses and even issues with mold in the long run.

Maintenance in the Long Run

Just like with our teeth, it is ten times less expensive to care for them in the short run than to accept the long run restoration expenses. Once your windows start having issues, it might be difficult to reverse the process, if possible at all. Micro-cracks and scratches, glass mold, and spots will gradually destroy the glass and force you to replace the whole window pane at some point. Not talking about all the potential damage to the surfaces surrounding the window.